How to grind on skateboard

How to grind on skateboard?

What is a grind?
Grind is when the skateboarders slide on the hangers of the trucks. It's performed on any object that may fit the space between the wheels where the truck meets. A 50-50 grind is the most basic grind trick. Before learning this trick, make sure you know how to skateboard ollie first

How to grind on skateboard?
  1. Do start slowly for this trick as you may get hurt easily with this trick and start off with a ledge that is not so high(around 6 inches high) to grind.
  2. Get your feet in the ollie position and ride towards the ledge at a very slow pace.
  3. Pop an ollie at the edge and try to stall a 50-50 on it.
  4. Keep doing step 1 - 3 with increasing speed.

  • When you do a fast pop on, bend your knees and keep your weight centered over the board.
  • Keep your weight balanced while grinding. 
  • Don't lean back and keep some weight on your front foot. 
  • Use your arm to help balance